Steve Demars

Just an average guy trying to make a difference

Most commented posts

  1. The first problem with freedom — 4 comments
  2. The third problem with freedom — 2 comments
  3. What is Freedom? — 2 comments

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The second problem with liberal thinking

The second problem with liberal thinking is it is based on the idea that the American people are overall greedy selfish people who won’t do the right thing so the government has to. The facts are that the American people overall are the most generous people in the world. As I have said in other …

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The first problem with liberal thinking

The biggest problem with liberal thinking is that they always think the government is the solution to everything. For nearly a hundred years progressives have been brainwashing America into thinking that the government is the only solution to everything that is wrong with our world. That is not the idea this country was founded on. …

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The Constitution will work

I got into an argument the other day with a friend over my State vs Federal Government post. My friend said something that made me decide to do a post about it. Talking about the constitution, he said that we tried that and it failed. I disagree. Five years ago I would have agreed. Then …

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What is America?

With everything going on in this crazy election year and everybody having ideas as to how to make America great again I can’t help but wonder do we really know what America is? America is more than a place on a globe. More than the land of the free and home of the brave. America …

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What is Freedom?

Just what is freedom? Does it mean we can do anything we want? Can we do anything we want? Well no not anything we want. We can’t kill each other. OK, that sounds a little corny but really after having laws against hurting each other what’s next? How much freedom do we really have? People …

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The third problem with freedom

The third problem with freedom is for something free it is so easy to lose and hard to get back. In order to do that we have to stay informed. That is a very difficult thing to do these days. Our lives have gotten so crazy with way to many things to do that we …

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Republic vs Democracy

What are we? A republic or a democracy? What are we supposed to be? Right now we are closer to a democracy but we are supposed to be a republic. I hear people say we are a democratic republic. Sorry that doesn’t work. The reason is simple if you understand what the difference is. There …

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What is capialism?

Capitalism is a fairly new word yet is has had some big meaning changes in the last few years. It started out meaning a type of economic system which all aspects of business was controlled by private industry instead of corporations or the government. For some reason now it simply seems to mean greed. That …

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State vs federal government

This is a topic that truly makes me want to pull my hair out. The word government gets used so much that we have forgotten that there are supposed to be different levels of government. Federal, state, local and in our founders minds the individual. Four levels each with different responsibilities. I hate when talking …

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Separation of church and state

The separation of church and state is one of the biggest misunderstandings of the constitution. The first amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment or religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” That’s it. Notice there is no “wall of separation” there. That term does not exist in any founding documents. It came …

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