The Myth of an Unbiased Media

Media bias is always something Republicans love to bitch about. While I agree it is a problem today, I think everyone gets it wrong. First off, there has never been a time in our country when we had an unbiased media. I don’t know when Americans got it in their heads that the media was …

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I’ve given up on the debt ceiling, raise it to the moon

I give up. Raise the debt ceiling to the moon. If I can quote Hillary Clinton, “what difference at this point does it make?” While I say that a bit tongue in check, at the same time I mean it. All the Republican candidates are against the debt deal we were screwed with from former …

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What New Ideas?

This is something that has been on my mind for a while now. President Obama likes to talk about how Republicans want to take the country back to old ideas and the Democrats want new ideas. What? While that may make for a great sound bite, it simply isn’t true. It’s not even what I …

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Here is your real discussion on Gun Rights

Once again the 2nd Amendment is in the news. So many people are talking about why we can’t have a serious discussion about gun control. So here is it. Neither side has made a serious attempt to do anything. Why? Could it be that they don’t want to? I don’t have the hours it would …

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The Supreme Court vs a County Clerk

This whole mess pisses me off. Every one that can make political hay with it is trying. But as usual, speeches are made, sound bites are on every political website and news channel and everybody is missing the real issue. Kim Davis should have been put in jail as she was. Now before you jump …

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Ben Carson and a Muslim President

This media frenzy with Ben Carson is crazy. Islamic beliefs and the constitution do not mix. Period. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. I believed the lie about Islam we were told after 9/11 for years myself. Then i did my own research. What we call a moderate Muslim I believe is …

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Since marriage is all over the news lately because of the supreme court ruling, I decided to put my two cents into the arena. Please read thru to the end as I will piss everyone off at some point. As with everything the government gets involved with, it is a very complicated issue. First off, …

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Non-Profit Nonsense

Non-profits have been in the news lately. There are some myths with them we need to demolish. Number one: The myth that they don’t need to make a profit. They do. The difference is what they do with that profit. And the only difference with that, is when the organization ceases to exist. Non-profit’s, just …

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The Tea Party

Just what is the Tea Party? There are many ideas out there. Some good, some bad. So I figure I may as well offer a theory. But first, I have to start by saying, definitions of the tea party that include racism are completely WRONG. The Tea Party movement is unlike any other in today’s …

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An Unofficial History of the Tea Party

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