Seperation of church and state

Religion and politics. Two subjects most people try and avoid, but no debate about government would be complete without talking about religion. It will be the topic of a few posts so let me start here with a full disclosure. I was born and raised Catholic but do not consider myself religious at this time. …

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What is common sense?

Just what is common sense? That is a word being thrown around a lot lately. But what is it really? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “sound and prudent judgement based on a simple perception of the situation or facts”. Well that’s clear as mud. So what is it really? One person will say that …

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The second problem with freedom

The second problem with freedom is having the freedom to succeed means we also have the freedom to fail. They go together. You can’t have one without the other. For some reason there is a movement to make sure nobody fails. Every kid gets a blue ribbon. Again it is a good idea in theory. …

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The first problem with freedom

The first problem with freedom is there is a lot of responsibility that goes along with it. One of the greatest lines ever said in a movie is from the first Spider-man when uncle Ben tells Peter that “with great power comes great responsibility”. The American experiment was a simple idea. That in order to …

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