Separation of church and state

The separation of church and state is one of the biggest misunderstandings of the constitution. The first amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment or religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” That’s it. Notice there is no “wall of separation” there. That term does not exist in any founding documents. It came from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut in 1802. They were asking about what rights they still had. Jefferson didn’t address the issue of state religion, just the issue of federal religion which the constitution clearly prohibits “thus building a wall of separation between church and state.” Now, that applies to the federal government. The constitution is a set of rules for the federal government. Again, the federal government. When the constitution was ratified Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire kept their state religion. It wasn’t until 1947 the supreme court decided that the establishment clause in the first amendment also applied to the states in Everson Vs. Board of Education of Ewing Township. The intent of the first amendment was to make sure the federal government didn’t interfere with the state religious policies. The ironic thing here is that liberals refuse to look at what the intentions of the founders were when there are many documents out there as to what the constitution meant but they look to Jefferson’s letter when he wasn’t technically a founding father. He was the ambassador to France at the time the constitution was written. He wasn’t even in the country, he was in France. He had nothing to do with writing or ratifying the constitution. As long as we are talking about Jefferson, some liberals try and paint him as an atheist. He wasn’t. He was deeply religious but he had a serious dislike for organized religion. He believed that the Church of England had way to much influence over the government. The constitution was never intended to tell the states what they could or couldn’t do with respect to religion. Just what the federal government couldn’t do. The capitol building in Washington D.C. was used as a church on Sunday’s til after the Civil War!!! Separation of church and state? Yeah right. Just because the first amendment prohibits any laws for or against religion doesn’t mean religion can’t be a part of government.

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